1- Explosions in regime military bases in Ruhaiba and Dumayr in the countryside of Damascus
2- “Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham” broadcasts video recordings of an operation against the regime in the countryside of Latakia
3- US forces send new military reinforcements to their bases in Deir Ezzor province
4- US Department of Defense: We have no intention to control the Syrian-Iraqi border
5- US State Department: we do not give a green light for Turkish military operations against SDF
6- The Arab Committee on Syria in Cairo: We hope to convene the Constitutional Committee meeting in Amman
7- The Arab League denies Bashar’s statements: Syria’s return to the Arab League is not a formality
8 – Clashes between gunmen from the Jabour clan and the National Defense militia in al-Hasakah
9- SDF will not clash with Iranian militias west of the Euphrates unless it is under great pressure
10- The quantities of wheat expected to be received are less than a third of the needs in regime areas
11- 90% of Syrians eat meat only once a month