– Wide condemnation after the death of 4 citizens due to a fight in Jindires city in Aleppo Countryside
– The Liberation and Building Movement arrests one of the perpetrators, who is a young man from Deir Ezzor Countryside
– HTS deploys its forces in Jindires and HTS leader meets with the victims’ families
– The opposition Syrian Kurdish National Council says: We are committed to the Kurdish national project under the leadership of Masoud Barzani (Iraqi)
– US Department of State issues its report on violations in Syria in 2022:
1. The regime and its allies killed hundreds of civilians, displaced thousands others and continued destroying the country
2. Kurdish militia attacked civilian areas, recruited children and suppressed freedoms
3. The opposition practiced forced detention and transported detainees across borders
– A SNHR report:
The regime bombed IDP camps, killed civilians and children in Idlib in November 2022
– High prices prevent the majority of Syrians from celebrating the mother’s day
– Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Relations in the US House of Representatives criticizes the Emarati reception of Bashar al-Assad
– UN warns against shortages in the storage for the emergency response in Syria
– The Washington Institute for Near East Policy: Vox Pops in Turkey promote hatred against Syrians