1- 5 regime members were killed and others injured in an attack east of Hama
2- Regime’s media: the recent economic agreements with Arab countries are mere ink on paper
3- An agreement between Iran and the regime to abolish customs duties between them on all commodities
4- Syrian Christian clerics demand lifting the sanctions on the regime
5- Russia claims to have spotted American stealth planes (F-35) in the skies of Syria
6- 10 aid trucks entered through the Bab al-Salama crossing to liberated areas
7- The International Rescue Committee calls for permanent aid delivery to northern Syria
8- The Civil Defense calls for finding an alternative to aid stopped by the Russian veto
9- Documentation of the Kurdish militia’s forced recruitment of 13 children into its forces in eastern Syria
10- Saleh Muslim, leader of PYD (the Syrian branch of PKK): America told us that it could do nothing against the Turkish raids against us
11- The regime arrests critics of it on social media in Lattakia
12- Locals of Deir Ezzor launch a campaign to provide the people of Hasakah with water
13- SNHR: 55 civilians, including 16 children were killed last month