1- Strike and protests against the regime in As-Suwayda, without any interference by the regime
2- Graffiti and protests in Daraa governorate, and the regime bombards Nawa with artillery
3- The regime and Russia bomb liberated areas in Aleppo and Idlib governorates
4- In solidarity with the protests in As-Suwayda and Daraa, protesters staged a sit in in al-Bab (Aleppo Governorate)
5- The USA and France insist on holding the regime accountable on the anniversary of the Ghouta chemical attack
6- Cyprus saves 115 Syrian immigrants in three days
7- A Syrian died in the forests of Bulgaria while trying to seek refuge in Europe
8- Taxes of the Kurdish Autonomous Administration burden merchants in occupied Deir Ezzor
9 – Economic analyst: Purchasing power decreased by 25% after the salary increase
10- Russia supports holding meetings of the Syrian Constitutional Committee in Oman