1- The Jordanian army bombed southern Syria, confiscated large quantities of drugs, and faced (for the first time) an attempt to smuggle missile weapons into it. Jordanian soldiers and smugglers linked to the Iranian regime were killed and injured.
2- Two children were killed in a mine explosion in Albukamal (Deir ez-Zor Governorate)
3- Missiles launched from Syria fell on empty areas of the Golan.
Israel responds by bombing regime army sites in southern Syria
4- The regime resumes the siege of Jassim (Daraa) and prevents citizens from entering and exiting
5- A demonstration against the regime and the head of the regime in the streets of Suwayda
6- Al-Rai Police (Aleppo) suppresses a demonstration by lawyers against the interim government
7- Assad Regime Electricity Directorate: The largest electricity thefts are in Latakia Governorate